Los Sures Team Joined The Hispanic Federation to Advocate on Capitol Hill Sept. 27-28

By Carmen Glover During the “One Voice: Unity on Capitol Hill” advocacy event on Sept. 27 to 28 which was organized by the Hispanic Federation, Southside United HDFC-Los Sures took a very active role, meeting with legislative representatives in Congress to press various causes. “I feel grateful to God for giving me the opportunity to be the […]
Southside United HDFC-Los Sures Coordinates PR Relief Shipment

By Carmen Glover Southside United HDFC-Los Sures Executive Director Juan Ramos and staff started loading trucks shortly after 8:30 a.m. today. The team put the items on trucks, which will transport them to the airport for delivery to Puerto Rico. As the humanitarian crisis in Puerto Rico worsens, the need for large scale help has […]
Meet Tenant Leader Milagros Jimenez, a Los Sures Lucha Member

Told to Lucas Renique-Poole My name is Milagros Jiménez. I’ve lived at 155 S 4th Street in Williamsburg since 2005. About 8 years ago, the landlord – wanting to get us out – never repaired anything. So, we said, “Let’s have a rent strike!” We worked with Los Sures, and after the strike managed to get […]
Puerto Rico Relief Drive in High Gear at Southside United HDFC-Los Sures

By Carmen Glover The urgent effort to ship non-perishable goods to Puerto Rico as it confronts the devastation from recent hurricanes is in high gear at Southside United HDFC-Los Sures. This morning, Executive Director Juan Ramos joined staff members in sorting items and loading them onto trucks before they where taken to the organization’s storage […]
Southside United HDFC-Los Sures Joins Relief Efforts for Puerto Rico

Southside United HDFC-Los Sures will join other local organizations with relief efforts for Puerto Rico. The attached flyer has details.
Next Lucha Meeting and Meal is September 26

Time is fast approaching for our September Los Sures Lucha meeting. Come early to enjoy your meal at 6:00 p.m. The meeting starts promptly at 6:30 p.m. For more information, contact bschliff@lossures.org or lrenique@lossures.org.
Topher Brophy Socialized at Los Sures ‘David Santiago’ Senior Center

By Carmen Glover Well-known dog whisperer Topher Brophy, his wife, and their dog, visited the Los Sures David Santiago Senior Center on Friday, Sept. 15, to socialize with the seniors. Wearing a matching shirt as his dog, Brophy was a magnet for the seniors who crowded around him, eager to snap pictures of the dog. “He gets […]
New Executive Director for Southside United HDFC-Los Sures, Effective October 1

(September 13, 2017): The Board of Directors of Southside United HDFC-Los Sures, the 45-year-old nonprofit with a legacy of providing and managing affordable housing in Southside of Williamsburg, announced its new Executive Director, on September 12, 2017. Juan Ramos, a longtime community leader in housing and human rights, will assume the role of Executive Director, […]
Los Sures “David Santiago” Senior Center Hosts Flu Shot Event

By Stephanie Pinilla On September 11, at 11:00 a.m., Los Sures “David Santiago” Senior Center hosted a free Flu Shot Event sponsored by Rite Aid. Rite Aid Wellness Ambassador, Jennifer Rolston, explained how Rite Aid became involved in distributing flu shots to the senior center. “Working for Rite Aid, we contact different senior centers and […]
We Remember the pain of September 11, 2001

Let us never forget the agony of September 11, 2001.