By Carmen Glover
After an extended delay, the Green Sidewalk program is back in session at Southside United HDFC-Los Sures’ Social Services building. The organization had a strong turnout today, Friday, September 8, for the Food Bank’s Green Sidewalk program, which provides free fresh produce to community residents.
The line was long, winding around two blocks, as people waited patiently, shopping carts in tow, eager to get as many fresh produce as possible. Councilmember Antonio Reynoso bagged and handed out fresh produce as residents posed for pictures after collecting their supplies.
Los Sures’ Acting Executive Director Robin Sirota Bassin led the Social Services team of staff and volunteers in executing a flawless process which included registering participants, distributing numbered tickets as soon as they joined the line, and then guiding them to be served when it was their turn.
The second session for the fresh food produce distribution is Friday, September 15, starting at 9:00 a.m., but residents are strongly encouraged to show up early to get a choice spot on the line.